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WCME School News & Events
Wayne County Archery Teams competed in competition last Saturday at Taylor County.
Wayne County students, in collaboration with the South Central Arts Council, took center stage at the much-anticipated Monticello's Got Talent. This exciting event, held on Saturday, January 18th, at 6:00 p.m., provided a platform for students ranging from elementary to high school to exhibit their unique talents.
Ms. Jessica Barnett's classroom recently concluded a CKLA unit on the Human Body and its Functions with an hands-on learning lab. This innovative approach allowed students to explore various aspects of the human body in an engaging and practical manner.
Monticello Elementary staff and students are incredibly thankful for the amazing support of Officer Neal! Over the past month, he has collaborated with our school to enhance safety and promote anti-bullying initiatives.
The Family Resource Centers for Walker, Bell, and Monticello Elementary School hosted a very successful event, Cardinal Toy Drop. The toys were a donation from CAP. Students in grades Pre-School through fifth grade participated by driving around the Turner Building to receive a free, unwrapped toy for Christmas. Thank you to all the volunteers who made this event successful and to Ms. Ashley J Thompson and her FRYSC staff for all the support they give to students at school on a daily basis.